Initial Challenge
The school reached out to ActiveMe 360 during the Summer term of 2022. The school were working on an innovative approach to their enrichment activities. The school mentioned they were launching ‘Terrific Tuesdays’ an enrichment afternoon in which all children would be able to select an activity outside of the normal timetable.

Having listened to the schools needs and the structure of the ‘Terrific Tuesday’, The Future First Aiders programme was discussed with the school alongside the benefits to their pupils learning and understanding first aid skills. It was quickly decided this was the route the school wished to take with delivery commencing during the Autumn term.

Pupils across each year group within KS2 had the opportunity to complete the 6-week programme. All sessions were at maximum capacity, over 30 children across each group. Over 120 children from across the school have received first aid training- which has developed confidence in how to approach a first aid situation.
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