The Agency
*Now accepting applications for the 2023 programme! Visit The Agency website to find out more.*
The Agency is an exciting youth social entrepreneurship programme run by Energise Me in the Northam, Newtown and Golden Grove area of Southampton. It exists to empower the young people of our country and to create the change that they want to see in their communities.
Through the delivery of a 12-week creative programme, The Agency supports young people to explore their ideas for social change and then gain the tools they need to put them into action.
Our partnership with Energise Me and The Agency started when we began supporting Christine Ngo Souhe, the creator of Cultural Kidz Afrobeats. Cultural Kidz is an afrobeat dance workshop for primary school children that celebrates African culture and gives children the chance to share their African heritage with their peers.
Read more about how we supported Christine.
Would you like to become partners to deliver a community-based project? If so, we’d love to hear from you!
Health & Wellbeing conference
Every year, we host our 360 Health & Wellbeing conference to bring together educators and other organisations to join us on our mission to change lives by improving health and wellbeing using the power of physical activity, sport and education.
Calling on industry leaders to deliver world class workshops, and keynote speakers with the expertise and passion to implement change, each year we focus on a different theme to help inspire attendees.
Our first conference, held in 2022, was all about General Health and Wellbeing and how this can be improved for children and young people in education settings. In 2023, the conference focused on ‘Empowerment’ and what this meant for leaders and teachers looking to create positive change amongst themselves and their peers, to better support young people and children. This year’s theme is all about aspiration and inclusivity.
Anyone can attend, but there is a general focus on education and wellbeing for children and young people so participants who would benefit most from this conference include: Teachers, LSA’s, SLT in schools, Local Authorities, Health and Wellbeing providers/ambassadors and community workers. You can find details on the agenda, speakers, time, and date here.
Squad Girls Football
Aged 12-14 and keen to kickstart or continue your football journey? Squad Girls’ Football sessions delivered by ActiveMe 360 in partnership with the FA are just what you need! A fun, non-competitive way to play football locally with friends, old and new.
Friday Night Football
We’re proud to be facilitating Friday night football on behalf of Eastleigh Borough Council.
The informal 5-a-side football is for boys and girls of all abilities, aged 10-19.
Each session is £2.00 and there’s no need to book! Simply complete and return the registration form for the relevant location in advance and pay as you go 49 weeks of the year.
- Hamble Sports Complex (Google map)
7 to 8pm: 10-13 year olds
8 to 9pm: 14-19 year olds
Registration form (online) quote “FNF22-23”
Payment at reception, bring your proof of purchase to the pitch - Places Leisure Eastleigh (Google map)
6.30pm to 8.30pm: 10-19 year olds
Registration form (online) quote “FNF22-23”
Payment at reception, bring your proof of purchase to the pitch